Certifications & Memberships


Davidson’s Electrical has for many years been servicing the mining industry and is NATA certified as an accredited Type C Inspection Body for Exd – Flameproof Motors, Exe – Increased Safety Motors and Exn – Non-sparking Motors.

Accreditation Number 14828.

Recognized Service Facility Certificate No: ANZEx SF 12.5828



All overhaul and repair of explosion-protected electrical equipment carried out by Davidson’s Electrical is licensed for use in NSW in accordance with the requirements of the Coal Mine Health and Safety Act 2002 and with Clause 150 of the Coal Mine Health and Safety Regulation 2006.’

Overhaul and repair of explosion-protected plant

Licence No: MLA131062

Electrical Contractor Licence No: 73300


Quality Assurance

Davidson’s Electrical is accredited to AS/NZS ISO9001:2008.

Certification Number FS605238



  • Members of EASA (Electrical Apparatus Service Association) since 1993.
  • Weg Authorised Service Centre.
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland.